Tuesday, May 2, 2023

New LinkedIn Growth Service

Hey there,

For the first time, I finally feel like people have realized the benefits of building a solid personal brand.

I've been building my personal brand for 5+ years, so it's wild to me that people are just now starting to understand the importance of it.

To illustrate how game-changing it's been for me, in the past 12 months, I drove around $5,000,000 in total revenue for the companies I own and the companies I promoted.

So why should this be important for you?

Paid media is becoming more expensive and it's also easier than ever to create content online, which means it's harder than ever to stand out.

UNLESS you double down on building out your personal brand.

The perfect recipe is leveraging social media to drive awareness and traffic to your owned channels (email and SMS lists).

I've built this newsletter to around 80,000 subscribers off the back of my LinkedIn and Twitter (90% of my subscribers have come from these two channels alone).

I'm extremely bullish on LinkedIn right now. Firsthand I'm seeing the opportunities the platform provides and the data shows 80% of B2B marketing leads from social media come through LinkedIn.

With that said, I've put together this document on a LinkedIn Growth service I'm releasing for the first time.

It's something I've been thinking about for a while and I finally have cleared up some availability in my schedule to make it happen.

If you're looking to increase your LinkedIn presence, go read the details here.



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