Monday, May 29, 2023

Remembering America's Heroes

Hey everyone,

As you know, it's Memorial Day.

As we gather with family and friends today to celebrate and enjoy America's favorite pastime, let's remember what this holiday is all about — America's fallen heroes.

Memorial Day is a time to honor the brave men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice while serving our country. Without them, we wouldn't have the incredible freedoms we enjoy here in the United States.

At BRUCE BOLT, we are proud to support our troops and be part of the fabric that makes up this great nation.

Today, I invite you to join us in paying our respects and extending thoughts and prayers to the families who have lost a soldier.

As always, BRUCE BOLT will be contributing proceeds from our Military Series Gloves to initiatives that support our veterans. This year, we're donating to Remember All Warriors and One Time Cane Corso (who is training a service dog on behalf of a veteran).

Thank you for your continued support and trust.

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Bear Mayer
Founder & CEO

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