Friday, October 27, 2023

Why Willpower Isn’t What You Think

How to Build Your Resolve and Reach Your Goals
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In today's edition, Joe shares:
  • Willpower Tips
  • A Healthy Shot
  • The Best Diet

For decades, we've been fed the idea that willpower is a finite resource that's gone when we empty the tank.

Researchers call it "ego-depletion." They say it's the reason we struggle to stick with our planned healthy habits.

For example, we'll have a great workout and eat clean all day, only to slip with Netflix and Ben & Jerry's before bed, ultimately unwinding our healthy progress. Frustrating.

This is not true.

We have had it all wrong. That theory, which has given us a reason to quit over the last 30 years, is being questioned.

It's about time!

I'm not a scientist, but I've been training for and competing in some of the most extreme endurance tests in the world for 40 years, and I've always known that what you believe trumps how you feel. It's the reason I don't quit.

I've discovered through really effing hard experiences that willpower isn't a gas tank, it's more like an emotion that requires discipline to manage.

When Spartan events had to shut down during COVID, I found my willpower flagging. The problems seemed overwhelming and, honestly, I thought I might lose it all.

The issues threatened to bleed into the rest of my life. It starts in small ways, doesn't it?: You stay up later, you sleep in, you miss a workout, you give into bad food choices. And before you know it, you're in a spiral that can be tough to pull out of.

But, I knew my moment of "low willpower" was fleeting and that I needed to double down on what I believed about my business and my life. Eventually, the moment passed, and I was grateful that I didn't lose my belief.

In fact, there's groundbreaking research from Stanford that supports the idea that ego-depletion only happens in people who believe their willpower is limited.

In other words, thinking you're running on empty on a key resource is the problem, not willpower. We literally limit ourselves!

This changes everything, doesn't it?

When you're feeling hungry, angry, tired, lonely, or frustrated, don't tell yourself you're spent and need a break – or ice cream. Instead, remind yourself that your internal motivation is just taking a breather and will come back stronger.

And do what you can to ride out the emotion – hydrate, call a buddy, take a cold shower, do 30 burpees, eat a huge salad, meditate – whatever you find gets you back in a better head space.

So, remember low willpower is just an emotion. Keep pushing, keep believing, and you'll conquer any obstacle in your path.

Here's to The Hard Way!

They Said It
"You can't get much done in life if you only work hard on the days you feel good."
—Jerry West

Apple cider vinegar is one of my favorite things, so a buddy of mine sent me this easy recipe for a morning health shot.

The ingredients – apple cider vinegar, local honey, and cinnamon – offer a range of health benefits.

Apple cider vinegar supports digestive health, and helps regulate blood sugar. Local honey provides allergy relief, boosts immunity, and adds natural sweetness. Cinnamon is rich in antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties, which contributes to heart health and blood-sugar control.

Here's how to make your own: Mix two cups of apple cider vinegar with one cup of local honey and two teaspoons of cinnamon in a bottle with a lid. Shake vigorously, and take a one-ounce shot every morning.

 You Ask, Joe Answers
Q: Hi Joe, I want to change my diet and lose weight, but I don't want it to be complicated. Where do I start?
- Susie M., Berkeley, Calif.

A: Like a true Spartan, I'm partial to the Mediterranean diet.

It's a simple and healthy choice for weight loss due to its emphasis on fresh, whole foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, making it easy to maintain a balanced and nutrient-rich diet.

It encourages lean protein sources such as fish and legumes while minimizing processed foods and sugary snacks, which helps control calorie intake naturally.

Additionally, heart-healthy fats from olive oil and nuts promote a feeling of fullness and satisfaction. Plus, you can eat pasta and whole-grain bread too, making it a sustainable and effective approach to shedding excess pounds.


Question for Joe? Want to tell him what you think of The Hard Way? Email him at
The Hard Way Podcast
"Most of life is about searching, not about doing. People spend too much time doing and not enough thinking about what they should be doing."
–Naval Ravikant
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