Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Thanksgiving Treats for your Pawed Pal!

Discover healthy Thanksgiving ingredients you can set aside to share with your pup!

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Dog looking at piece of pie on a fork

What Thanksgiving Ingredients are Pet Safe?

Thanksgiving is a nice end of year holiday to reflect upon all the things that we are grateful for, like our pawed pals. Promoting the health and happiness for our pets is a great way to show them how thankful we are for their companionship, cuddles and all the ways they brighten up our days. 

Did you know that many foods commonly served around the Thanksgiving table contain healthy ingredients that our pups can enjoy too? We are not suggesting that you share your sweet potato casserole with marshmallows and brown sugar with your pup, as marshmallows, sugar and salt are not suitable for a healthy dog diet. However, when you are making this dish, you could peel off the skin of your sweet potato and chop it into smaller pieces to give as a healthy raw treat to your dog. You could even bake or steam a whole sweet potato to mash up as a yummy soft treat.

Pet Friendly Vegetable Options

Dog eating vegetables from kitchen counter

Likewise all the vegetables commonly used in traditional Thanksgiving side dishes are great for dogs in their raw form or lightly steamed or baked. Vegetables like green beans, brussel sprouts, carrots and even celery are great snacks for your pup and contain high levels of antioxidants that support healthy aging. Sweet potatoes and carrots contain beta-carotene that is also good for eye health. Cranberries, without the additives in cranberry sauce, are another surprisingly healthy fruit for dogs and cats.

One other thing that is extra important to remember around Thanksgiving is that onions are one of the foods to avoid with your pet so it's best to keep table scraps at a minimum since onions are in most all thanksgiving dishes from the stuffing and gravy down to the green bean casserole. Salt can be good for your dog as it can provide vital minerals, but in most human dishes the level of salt is too high for dogs so this is another reason to not share too much of your plate with your pup.

Learn How to Support your Pet's Gut Health

Saying Thanks with Restore M3®

In addition to sharing fruits and vegetables with your pup around the holidays, adding Restore M3® to your pet's diet is a great way to help promote their health and maximize the bioavailability of nutrients from their foods. Healthy additions to the diet like probiotics, prebiotics and digestive enzymes help your pet get the most out of their meals and Restore M3® gives you a 3-in-1 product containing all these in one easy to give dose. Your pup will Thank You!

Shop Restore M3® Now
Dog sitting on lawn with bottle of Restore M3®
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