Sunday, February 18, 2024

My DreamBox is an absolute lifesaver! ✨

Hey Creator,

If you don't know me, I'm Desi, the lead Creator Consultant here at Create Room. I wanted to pop in and share my own personal experience with the DreamBox and how it has been an absolute lifesaver for me as a full-time working mother. It is so much more than a piece of furniture; it is the key to balancing my responsibilities and nurturing my passions. Read my DreamBox love story below: 

It was a moment of pure love at first sight. I stumbled upon the DreamBox while scrolling through Instagram in 2017. It was known as the WorkBox back then, and the instant I laid eyes on it, it felt like all my disorganized prayers had been answered.
Rushing to the kitchen, I shoved my phone into my husband's face, "LOOK! LOOK, I must have this!!!" He paused and then agreed, "You need this." The very next day, we placed our order, and from that moment on, there was no turning back. It has been an absolute game-changer. From the DreamBox 1 to the upgraded DreamBox 2, each version has surpassed my expectations. Every moment spent creating in its organized haven has been a joy.
It was the solution I had been searching for, the remedy to my cluttered space. Every item has its home, making it effortless to find what I need and dive into creativity without any sense of overwhelm or creative blockage. It's all smooth sailing and enjoyable. My favorite moments are on Saturday mornings when the house is peaceful, and we're all still in our pajamas. My son and I can simply open up the DreamBox, roll out his DreamCart, and begin crafting together. The setup is a breeze, and cleaning up afterward is equally simple. The value of this level of organization is immeasurable, especially for a busy working mother like myself; it's what keeps me grounded amidst the chaos of daily life.

If you want to get the DreamBox 2 during our Valentine's Day Sale, there's only a limited time left to get $400 off the DreamBox + $500 off Pre-Built Service (This is one of the best deals I've seen offered)!

Treat yourself to organization- you deserve it!


♡ Desi, Lead Creator Consultant




P.S. If you still have questions about the DreamBox, you can book a live tour of Desi's craft room HERE
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