Friday, April 5, 2024

Why Your Community Matters

Do you overthink? This book is for you.
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In today's edition, Joe shares:
  • How to Achieve Monk Mode
  • A Book You Should Read
  • Why Your Crew Matters

I just returned from the NCAA wrestling championships. Many people might not know this, but Spartan has a combat division that focuses on one of the grittiest sports in the world: wrestling.

It's also a sport that is believed to have roots in Sparta.

I was so inspired as I watched Spartan athletes like Vito Arujua, Yianni Diakamohilis, David Carr, and Kylie Welker take the mat.

Arujua's match in the finals was intense. A match that should have taken six minutes took over 21. His head was bleeding. They tried to close the gash with glue, with little success.

I noticed that while refs and coaches debated calls and the crowd shouted, Vito remained extremely focused and composed. At one point, he even called his opponent back out to the center of the mat.

Arujua entered "monk mode," slowing everything down and staying hyper-focused on the task at hand. It was reminiscent of the ancient colosseums, where every match was a battle of wills.

You can tap into the same "monk mode" by eliminating all distractions and focusing intensely on your goal. For athletes, that means blocking out incoming thoughts, ignoring the spectators, and remaining disciplined in the present moment.

I love what Novak Djokovic says: "If you are focused on the past or the future, you will be reactive. If you are rooted in the present, you can be the one in control."

Monk mode can help your productivity off the mat, too. At work, dedicate time to turn off your phone and block out unscheduled meetings to focus on a single task. At home, simplify distractions in your space by donating stuff you don't need. All of these actions help you focus on the present goal.

But to do this, you first have to know your goals. Don't know where to start? Here's a guide.

If you've ever watched your children compete, you know the feeling of sweating and shaking in the stands. That's the power of sports. We can all observe and apply a great athlete's mindset to our own lives.

Stay tuned for more updates from the world of Spartan combat sports.

Here's to The Hard Way!

4 Reasons Why Community Matters

Why should you build a community of inspiring, like minded friends around you? Read on.

  1. Community is vital to top performance. A group will always push each other farther than you can go on your own.
  2. Community keeps you accountable. Don't be afraid to share your goals with the group. Ask them to keep you honest.
  3. Community is the ultimate support system. When you're facing adversity, you'll have trusted people to lift you up. You'll also get to return the favor.
  4. Community separates you from your phone, increasing your ability to form bonds and learn social skills.

You Ask, Joe Answers
Q: Hi Joe, What book would you recommend I read this month?
– Tyler S.

A: Hey Tyler , I just finished ​​"Don't Believe Everything You Think" by Joseph Nguyen and I highly recommend it. You'll explore the power of your thoughts and learn how they control your life. The book teaches practical ways to adjust your thoughts for extreme freedom and clarity. If you struggle with overthinking, negativity, anxiety, or depression, this book is for you.


Question for Joe? Want to tell him what you think of The Hard Way? Email him at
They Said It
"I am who I am today because of the choices I made yesterday."
Eleanor Roosevelt
The Hard Way Podcast
"It's being as intentional about what you do with your spouse as what you do with your workout program, your business, and your profession."
Amy Wine
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