Tuesday, June 4, 2024

How to attract your dream clients

In yesterday's email, I mentioned that my new Client Acquisition Course would officially launch today.
It was really cool to receive so many replies over the last 24 hours from people asking for the special launch discount I promised would hit your inbox today.
So, if you're serious about signing more clients for your freelance or agency business, use this link to get $250 off this new course.

Now, onto today's lesson on attracting your dream clients:
I’ve been deep in the trenches of client acquisition for nearly a decade, and let me tell you...
From freelancing to growing agencies...
To signing over 1,000 all-time clients...
One strategy has consistently been a powerhouse for me and my clients:
Lead magnet funnels.
If you're unfamiliar with it, a lead magnet is a valuable piece of content offered for free in exchange for someone's contact information. It could be a guide, cheat sheet, free training, case study – you name it.
Here’s where the magic happens...
When you create a lead magnet that speaks directly to the needs and desires of your ideal client, you start attracting them like clockwork.
They’ll literally be raising their hands, saying, "Hey, I need what you've got!"
And the best part?
You don’t have to spend countless hours sliding into DMs or sending cold emails to make it happen.
With a well-crafted lead magnet funnel, you can attract your dream clients on autopilot, 24/7.

Now, you might be thinking…
"But Chase, I've tried lead magnets before, and they haven’t worked for me."
I hear you.
Growing an audience, creating an irresistible lead magnet, and optimizing your funnel for maximum conversions isn’t easy if you don’t know where to start.
That’s why I’ve dedicated an entire section of my new Client Acquisition Course to mastering this strategy.

Here are some actionable steps to leverage lead magnet funnels effectively:
  1. Identify Your Ideal Client's Pain Points: Understand the challenges and needs of your target audience. This helps in creating a lead magnet that genuinely appeals to them.

  2. Create a High-Value Lead Magnet: Offer something that provides real value – a comprehensive guide, a cheat sheet, a free training video, or a case study showcasing your expertise.

  3. Design an Engaging Landing Page: Your landing page should clearly communicate the benefits of your lead magnet and include a simple form for visitors to provide their contact information.

  4. Set Up Automated Follow-Up Emails: Once someone opts in for your lead magnet, nurture them with a series of automated emails that build trust and guide them towards becoming a client.

  5. Promote Your Lead Magnet: Use social media, your website, and even paid ads to drive traffic to your landing page. The more people see your offer, the more leads you’ll generate.

  6. Optimize Your Funnel: Continuously test different elements of your funnel – from the lead magnet itself to the landing page and email sequence. This helps in maximizing conversions.
Inside my course, you'll learn how to do exactly what I mentioned above in the form of:
  • Different types of lead magnets and how to choose the right one to attract your dream clients on autopilot.
  • How to set up your lead magnet funnel to maximize conversions and turn leads into red-hot buyers.
  • Advanced strategies for split testing, promoting, and delivering your lead magnet to your inbound prospects.
  • And so much more...

Are you worried about the social media growth part? Well, don't worry because I've got you covered. The modules for this section include the following:
  • How to Create Authority in Your Space
  • Twitter Growth
  • How Email and Social Pair Together to Create Explosive Results
  • Lessons on Social Proof and Optics
  • Get in Front of your ICP with Social Comments
The Lead Magnet Funnels and Social Media Growth sections are just two of the many powerful strategies you'll learn in the Client Acquisition Course.
Click here to see everything included in the course.
And if you enroll before Sunday at 11:59pm PST, you’ll get $250 off the regular price.
But don’t wait – this offer disappears in just a few days.

To your success,
- Chase

P.S. This course is a BIG focus for me moving forward. There are 123 current lessons and I'll be adding even more as we go.

And the more I add, the more the price will increase. So make sure to get in ASAP while it's $250 off. This is the cheapest it'll ever be.
And by getting in now, you'll be grandfathered into all the content I add over time.

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