Wednesday, June 5, 2024

The #1 Secret to Landing High-Ticket Clients

As a freelancer or agency owner, you know that landing high-ticket clients is key to scaling your business and creating a sustainable income.
But here's the thing…
Most people go about it ALL WRONG.
They think the key to landing big clients is to have the perfect outreach method and that sending 100's of cold emails or DMs a day will yield results.
The problem with this approach is that it focuses on quantity over quality. Many of the people you’re reaching out to may not even qualify for your services.
After nearly a decade in the trenches and landing over 1,000 clients, I’ve learned that there’s one thing that will make or break your outreach messages:
Personalization is the key to standing out in a crowded market and winning over high-ticket clients. Your outreach needs to be as personalized as possible.
As someone who receives hundreds of cold messages a month, I can tell you that if they are not personalized or targeted specifically to me, I won’t give them the time of day.
And I’m not just talking about using their first name in an email or DM. I’m talking about
  • Deep Research:
    • Investigate their business thoroughly. Understand their industry, challenges, and recent accomplishments.
    • Tailor your pitch to their specific needs and pain points.

  • Custom Value Propositions:
    • Highlight how your services can solve their particular problems and help them achieve their goals.
    • Use data or case studies to back up your claims.

  • Authentic Communication:
    • Build genuine relationships through authentic, personalized communication.
    • Mention specific details about their business or recent projects to show you’ve done your homework.
When you take the time to truly understand your prospects and speak directly to their needs, magic happens. They start seeing you as a valuable consultant, not just another generic freelancer. And that's when the big deals start rolling in.
Now, I know what you might be thinking…
"But Chase, I don't have time to do all that research and customization for every single prospect."
I get it – personalization at scale can seem daunting. But what if I told you there’s a way to do it efficiently and effectively without spending hours on each individual outreach?
That’s exactly what I cover in my new Client Acquisition Course.
Inside, you’ll get:
  • Proven Cold Email Frameworks: Strategies for hyper-personalizing your cold email outreach.
  • Tools and Templates: Resources to streamline your research and customization process.
  • Real-Life Examples and Case Studies: Learn from personalized outreach that led to big wins.
This is just one of the many strategies you'll learn in the course. I’ve spent the last year developing this course, pouring my decade’s worth of client acquisition experience into it. With 123 modules (and counting), it’s my most comprehensive course yet. Plus, I’ll continue adding new content throughout the year.
If you sign up today, you can access all 123 modules and any future additions for $250 off the regular price. But this offer ends Sunday at 11:59pm PST. After that, the course returns to its regular price, and there's no telling when the next discount will be available.
To your success,

P.S. Are you where you want to be with your business? If you are, double down. If you aren't, it's time for a change.
This is your sign that it's time to take control of your destiny. If you are (or want to be) a freelancer or agency owner/operator constantly signing new clients and making more money, make sure to buy my course while it's $250 off.

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