Friday, June 7, 2024

What to do if you’re going through hard sh*t

How I balance my life as a CEO
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In today's edition, Joe shares:
  • My Tips For Tough Times
  • Beginner Running Tips
  • How to Balance Work, Family, and Fitness

This week, I'm writing to those Spartans who are being put through the ringer right now.

There have been some real lows in my life. Like when Covid tanked Spartan and we couldn't pay our bills.

Or when I pledged to run 100 miles and didn't know how I'd get the strength to finish. Or when the doctor told my wife and I that our newborn daughter wouldn't survive (she is now a healthy and happy preteen!).

When I'm in the thick of it, I like to think of one saying from William Penn, the influential thinker who founded the Province of Pennsylvania:

"No pain, no palm; no thorns, no throne; no gall, no glory; no cross, no crown."

If you're going through tough shit right now, write this down on an index card. Carry it with you as a reminder when you feel like you're about to break.

The truth is, you might be bending, but you probably won't break.

The hardship you're experiencing is building the strength, endurance, and resilience you need to handle anything life throws at you.

Ask yourself, "Am I pissing blood?" If the answer is yes, please get to the ER. If not, you're probably not going to die from the hard thing. In fact, you may find that most of your fears never come to pass.

Here's a breakdown of Penn's saying:

"No pain, no palm" Like the idea of planting seeds and tending to them before harvesting the fruits, hard work and perseverance are necessary for rewards (aka achieving your goals).

"No thorns, no throne" Success cannot be achieved without sharp and painful moments. Overcoming challenges and hardships is precisely how we climb out of the pit.

"No gall, no glory" Overcoming disappointments and bitter experiences lead to greater achievements. If you're in the middle of a setback, this one's for you.

"No cross, no crown" As a Quaker, Penn is making a religious comparison. Sacrificing and suffering is necessary for a leader.

If you're not in the midst of a struggle…

Make a struggle for yourself.

I know this sounds crazy. But the reality is that we need more tired, cold, and hungry in our lives.

Here's to The Hard Way!


This week, we celebrated Global Running Day. If you're running for the first time, or picking back up after time off, Spartan instructor Christian Bizzotto has tips to help you ease into it. For more, check out Spartan+ on our app for routines tailored to your event.

Accept Your Level: To avoid injury, don't take shortcuts in training, recovery, or skill development.

Form First: Focus on building proper running mechanics before you speed up.

Talk More: The goal is to get comfortable running at "conversational pace" to build a solid aerobic base. Bonus: you bond with your training partner!

Cross-Train: Try a cadence-based workout to create muscle memory and improve your running mechanics. Set a metronome app to 180 beats per minute and stand in place. First, peel your heels off the floor one at a time to the beat. Once comfortable, start lifting your feet off the ground, like you're running. Then graduate to incorporating the arm swing. Do this until a pattern is created.

You Ask, Joe Answers
Q: Hey Joe, how do I make time for training, work, and family?
- Jenny S.

A: Hey Jenny, Oftentimes people will suggest that busy adults "balance" their lives. I found that life is rarely balanced. What I look for is "integration." Challenge yourself to integrate each of your priorities into your life by creating small non-negotiable habits. Some examples in my life, for instance, is that I wake up early and train, rain or shine, well-rested or sleep-deprived. Then, I'll make sure to have dinner with my family every day. Integrating work isn't going to be easy. That's why my third tip is to work your ass off. Life responds to effort.


Question for Joe? Want to tell him what you think of The Hard Way? Email him at
They Said It
"I don't believe in failure. It's not failure if you enjoyed the process."
Oprah Winfrey
The Hard Way Podcast
"We're wired to want more, and we get less out of it."
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