Saturday, August 24, 2024

Now is the Time

Latest blogs and exciting new video series.

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Blogs and Podcast

We are men in the world but not of the world and as such we have to be reminded that we are always at battle against the world, the flesh, and the devil. Yet on the flip side of the coin, this is the adventure and aspect of life that provides meaning and purpose. Here are some articles and a podcast to help you along your journey to live differently and to be the man God has created you to be. 

Now is the Time: 
Live Differently From the World

"See, now is the acceptable time" (2 Cor 6:2).
To all of those who thought we could scrape by without much fuss—continuing to live quietly in the midst of the world, living our Christian faith without any conflict or much attention—that time has passed. In the face of the destruction of the family and a myriad of other pressures, even as trite as making copies, we have to live differently from the world. And we have to begin by making simple changes to our own life, to break out of worldly habits, to stop going along with the culture, to stop making excuses.


4 Reasons Why the Devil Hates the Blessed Virgin

Let's unpack the truths that Scripture, Tradition, modern exorcists, and the holy saints uniformly teach about the battle between Our Blessed Mother and the Prince of Darkness. 


Suffering the Consequences of Sin

After time spent in the confessional, a priest, in due time, will begin to recognize that the genesis of a great deal of suffering is due to sin. The abuse of free will, while enticing at the beginning, leads one away from our Heavenly Father, who is the source of what is true, beautiful, and good. That separation, predictably, brings with it shame and suffering. Suffering because of our sins is not the same thing as penance or the crosses that come from a loving God.


From Our Friends at Sword&Spade

Put down your phone and pick up a real print magazine. Each issue of "Sword&Spade" is built upon solid philosophy, beautiful art and the teachings of the Catholic Church. Get it delivered to your home and enjoy the delight of the printed word once again.


A Father's Priestly Duty: 
Lead the Family in Prayer

From recent experience, I can tell you these five simple words have the power to turn a father's world upside down.

This challenge was put forth to a group of men last year. Since we often hear that the father is the spiritual leader in the home, one might think this would be one of the easier requirements (fasting and penances were required too) but from the quizzical facial expressions to the squirming in the seats, one might have thought those men had been asked to sacrifice their firstborn. "How do I do that?" "What does that look like?" and "How can I convince my family to follow me?" circulated. This was getting to the heart of a very deeply rooted problem. Perhaps many of you husbands reading this article shifted in your seat a little, too.

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