Friday, July 29, 2022

What copywriters can learn from Andrew Tate

Alex In My Inbox #024
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Hey friend, happy Friday!

Today, Alex has an email about this guy named Andrew Tate, and how you can study him to become a better copywriter. I've heard this guy's name thrown around so much lately, but I don't really know what he's about.

This is a great email. Hope you learn something!

Dear Chase,

I have to admit that I spend a lot of time on social media.

Indirectly, that means I spend a lot of time watching Andrew Tate videos.

He's all over TikTok.

He's all over Twitter.

Instagram. YouTube. Twitch. Spotify. Name the platform.

Even my mom knows who Tate is. And she HATES him.

But that's the purpose of today's email. He is such an interesting character that I had to look at him through a copywriting lens.

Just so you know, Tate has 100,000+ people inside Hustler's University paying $50 per month.

That means he's making $5M a MONTH right now with basically 0 work.

He's running laps around everyone because he's truly found his niche, and it's working for him.

What does he do SO WELL?

Two things. 

  1. He knows his audience.

  2. He has an organic content funnel that slowly indoctrinates you into the mind of Tate.

When Tate speaks, it's almost like it was written. 

Every word is chosen very carefully, and he knows exactly what he's doing. 

Tate is putting words to the thoughts that some people have all day long. 

"I'm lost in life."
"I don't know how to make money."
"I don't understand what I need to do to be successful."

It's a vocal version of problem-agitation-solution. 

He knows EXACTLY what type of problems people have, and he speaks directly to them. 

He's obviously done his research. 

The more specific you can be about the problems that your prospects are facing, the more likely it'll be that they listen to you. 

As for the second part, he has his content set up in a way where it acts as a funnel. 

The podcasts and the TikToks are easy to watch. It's pure entertainment. There's no hard selling, really, on why you should buy his products. 

But as you go down the rabbit hole — his YouTube channels and his Twitter — he starts to sell a little harder. 

War Room this, Hustler that, CamGirl Mastery something-something. 

It's really interesting to watch. 

On a typical funnel, you need to actually click through steps and take certain actions. Then, they deliver you the next bit of information. 

But with Tate, he puts TOF content on the platforms with the most reach, and when people actually go searching for him, like on YouTube or Twitter, you find the stuff where he tries to sell you. 

What can we learn from this?

  • Being likable is the easiest way to sell ANYTHING.

  • Don't go for the sale right away. Entertain first. 

  • Do your research, and speak DIRECTLY to your prospects' problems. 

  • Drinking sparkling water makes you smarter.

That's about it. 

Hope that helps you with your personal brand, Chase. 

Yours truly,


Sent from my Bugatti

This was a solid breakdown of this guy who seems to be taking over the internet. 

What do you think makes Andrew Tate so compelling to listen to? Let me know in the replies, I'm curious. 

Few Final Updates:

  1. My Email Design Platform is launching in the next 4-6 weeks.

    Want to create beautiful, high-converting emails in a fraction of the time?
    Signup for the waitlist here.
  2. I've created another Twitter account specifically for copywriting. Follow @dailycopywriter for daily copy inspiration.
  3. I want to make my agency as well as my network available to you.

    If you're looking to hire:
    - An Agency
    - Freelancer
    - Full-time, in-house,

    Fill out this formso I can connect you with the best of the best.

Have a great weekend,


© 2022 Chase Dimond

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Chase Dimond 2960 Champion Way #1701 Tustin, CA 92782

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