Thursday, August 18, 2022

5 signs you have high levels of THIS hormone

Watch out for #3 - it could be more harmful than you think
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 Zero-Hassle Returns

Have you ever experienced...
1. A flushed face like you're feeling embarrassed...
2. Thinning skin that makes you look older than you are...
3. Weight gain, especially around the midsection and upper back.
4. Difficulty concentrating...
5. Irritability – everyone gets on your nerves more easily...
If you said yes to one or more of these, especially extra weight you can't seem to lose...
Then chances are you have high levels of:
Cortisol (The Stress Hormone)
Back in the day... And I mean WAY back in the day...
Cortisol helped our ancestors respond to daily stressors like an avalanche or bear attack.
It directs energy away from your digestive and immune system...
And sends it to your muscles so that you can get away fast.
These days, you're probably not being chased by bears…
(unless you're hiking alone in Yellowstone Park)
Yet your body still responds to day-to-day stress with the same intensity.
If you get cut off in traffic or forget your Netflix password...
Your body THINKS it's under attack, and will flood your system with cortisol…
Keeping you in an elevated state while slowing your digestion and metabolism to a screeching halt.
The worst part?
You have NO control over cortisol release.
And – If your cortisol stays high for long periods of time…
It can wreak havoc on things like your blood pressure, weight, and even your mental health.
Balance Your Cortisol Levels By Getting "Psycho"
Listen, there's no way to PREVENT stressful situations...
But you can MANAGE stress and give your body the TLC it needs thanks to a new category of mood-influencing probiotics
"Psychobiotics" may sound like something from a science fiction novel...
But they can be an absolute game changer when it comes to your stress.
In fact, the psychobiotic strain BL 1714™ has been shown in multiple clinical studies to improve your mood, cognition, and focus…
While turning the volume WAY down on your stress to balance your cortisol.
And when your cortisol is in check, your metabolism, digestion, and immunity can work like they should!
That's why you'll find BL 1714™ in our new mood-lifting product, Just Calm.
Remember: While you may have no control over your body's initial cortisol release in response to stress...
You can easily manage stress and cortisol with the power of BL 1714™.
With gratitude,
Tina Anderson
Just Thrive | Founder
P.S. Did you know? Just Calm is clinically proven to promote:
  • Easy stress management
  • Mental health & stability
  • Peak cognition and focus
  • Healthy neurotransmitter production
  • And feelings of positivity and well-being
And let's be real…
In our modern, stressful world, your body and mind can use all the extra help they can get!
To feel calm, collected and in control…
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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.

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