Monday, September 26, 2022

REBEL8 News: Monday, September 26, 2022

Monday, September 26, 2022


So I've spent the last couple of hours going through thousands of old photos looking for a specific photo that I still can't find.

But in doing this, I have been texting dozens of old friends old photos from the past, that they haven't seen until now. I think that is one incredible thing about technology that I deeply love. The ability to snap photos effortless and carelessly with complete disregard for photo development cost is awesome. I strongly suggest you take more photos than you are doing. Not necessarily to post on bullshit social media. Keep them for yourself. Keep them for your friends and family. I'm drunk in the majority of mine so without those photos, the memories are as good as gone.

Here are a few random ones I pulled with some words.

Many moons ago, MAGIC was the biggest tradeshow that REBEL8 did twice a year in Vegas. It was pretty serious and cost a small fortune each time. We always got creative with our registration names. I cared about the show because that is pretty much how we got sales back then, but I equally didn't give a fuck at the same time. That attitude holds true today with REBEL8. Passion over profits. Doing the fuck we wanna do when we wanna do it.

Ricky The Jew is an old friend and ex-REBEL8er. I haven't spoken to him in a minute but wish him the best nonetheless. We've always appreciated tracksuits. Still feels surreal that REBEL8 made one that is as good quality and fit as Fred Perry. Straight up. I'm talking about this.

I slept on many a couch wearing this generic leather moto jacket. This is the beginning of my decorating, and circling back, those are the photos I originally was looking for and ended up going down this fucking photo rabbit hole. On the sleeve I ended up painting the SF from the Misfits logo. I was attempting to build a newsletter around my personal history with Misfits.

But I found this graphic art that tells another story. Way back I almost launched a womens brand called Maiden SF, taking the same SF from Misftis. This was the proposed logo.

Last week's REBEL8/Misfits drop, has been tripping me out and I have literally pinched myself a couple times.

It feels so rad to have some shit that you fucked with back in the day re-enter your life in such an elevated way. From being a kid listening to the Misfits, to making my own personal bootleg shit (above jacket), to actually being able to design an official collaboration with them is cosmic. Life is a trip.

If you haven't shopped REBEL8/Misfits, please do so now. I'm not restocking shit.

I have no idea what year the below photo is from, but long before I ever dreamt this collab up.

I did however do this graphic when we reached 138,000 followers on Instagram. I can't remember how long ago that was either. Looking back at even these last few photos it seems that the future was already written back then. Crazy.

I got married hella years ago and went on a honeymoon to South America. It was a learning experience on fabric selection for Summer silhouettes. Clearly, I chose the incorrect fabric on this REBEL8 short sleeve chambray. I ended up just walking around with no shirt on until my wife urged me not to because everybody already hated Americans and she didn't want me to be "that guy." So I ended up sweating it out, mumbling countless profanities, beginning every sentence softly with, "In America..." and losing a few pounds simultaneously. Marriage is all about doing what your wife wants you to do. Another uncomfortable lesson learned.

I will add we are still together, now have a family, and are happy. She has worked with me on REBEL8 since we moved to LA in 2013 and I wouldn't be able to do this without her help and support.

Shout out Vitti.

Found these old photos of my friend and legend Keith Hufnagel. These must be from like 2012 when I came down from SF to check out the HUF operation in Los Angeles. We considered moving into this building as Huf was already mapping out his next move. He really built an incredible brand that proudly still lives today. RIP Keith. I have yet to meet anyone who did it as big, great and humbly as you.

Hold fast to youth. Teamwolf times.

In my mid-20s I made the switch from Budweiser to Bud Light. In the good words of my old pal Matt Bruno, "I don't want to have to worry about counting calories, let the beer company do that. I just wanna drink these beers."

I remember when I first met this guy. This photo is probably from 2011. Nate Diaz' passion for fighting mirrored my passion for REBEL8. I remember it was difficult to even carry a conversation with him when he came through. He wouldn't stop shadow boxing and just kept walking around the SF warehouse putting on different REBEL8 hats as his fists were in constant motion. Somehow I managed to stop him briefly for a classic fighter pose.

I won't bore you with any more photos/stories.

Have a great week!


REBEL8 2825 South Sante Fe Avenue Vernon, California 90058

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