Thursday, November 10, 2022

here's free access to my paid newsletter

because you've been engaged
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Hey Friend,

Because you've been an engaged subscriber, I'm hooking you up with this week's paid newsletter.

One note before we dive in:

Last night I hosted my first DTC Dinner, and it was awesome.

And there was one topic, in particular, that was super interesting.

A brand doing 7 figures per month was telling the group about a platform they've been using and getting a 6x ROI from.

Once they mentioned it was related to email marketing, I immediately knew who they were referring to.

It's a platform that my clients and I have been using with great success.

I think the platform is so awesome that I recently joined as an advisor.


Here are the three things you need to know about them:

1. Their platform can help you drive 5x-10x more abandonment revenue. Seriously, the results have been insane.

2. Their platform can help you capture WAY more email addresses. This has been a game changer.

3. It integrates super seamlessly with the major email marketing platforms. 

Bonus: Their platform also helps you create incredible retargeting audiences for Facebook and Instagram.

Check them out here.

Now onto today's content...

Just a reminder that we only have a few weeks left until we can relax again. Let's push through BFCM. We got this. 

I've got some great campaigns for us to study in this heavy send period.     

Let's jump in.

Campaign Idea 1 - The Early BFCM Email:

  • Email Examples:

    The Early BFCM Email Example 1

    The Early BFCM Email Example 2

  • Purpose/Context of Email:

    We're still in the period of time when brands are introducing early BFCM deals to their warmer audience. Every week, we get new examples of amazing ways to express this to your subscribers while still maintaining the integrity of your brand. Let's take another look into what's working and how you can replicate it.

    Example 1 is from Jinx, a DTC dog food brand.

    They took an interesting angle here, where they combined the Black Friday sale with a Thanksgiving sale. I think this is a solid way to justify running a different offer, and will help them try different sale styles to see what the audience responds to. Trying different offer structures is important data for a brand, and it tells you more about the psychology of your audience. Test this out so you can make better decisions on big holidays like Black Friday.

    Example 2 is from Necessaire. They did something cool here as well.

    This brand isn't running a sale here, they're offering a holiday collection that builds hype in a different way. Some of the biggest and strongest brands I know aren't all doing massive blanket discounts. Many of them are talking more about gift guides, gifts with purchase, or other means of presenting products to the audience in a new way. If you're a brand that is opposed to discounts, this is the way to do it.

  • Segment(s):

    - Your Engaged Subscriber Segment


  • Subject Line Ideas: 

    - What if Black Friday came early?

    - Your early deal is inside...

    - X% off comes early!

  • Preview Text Ideas:

    - Big deal inside.

    - Come take it!

    - Don't miss out on this.

Campaign Idea 2 - The Men's Day Email:

  • Email Examples:

    - The Men's Day Email Example 1

    The Men's Day Email Example 2

  • Purpose/Context of Email:

    International Men's Day lands on November 19th, and it's a day that we can show some appreciation to guys for being dudes. You have to listen to your audience and see if they think that this is a super serious email. For these examples, we have one brand that takes it seriously, and another that makes it an opportunity to have some fun with their male audience. Check these out.

    Example 1 is from CW Beggs. They're running a sale here for Men's Day, and they also dropped some facts about why we should be paying more attention to men. You can definitely go with the mental health angle, the certain types of cancer that affects mostly men, or anything else that men care about publically. I wouldn't touch divorce, though. Keep it as light as you can. Don't be afraid to throw an offer out here either.

    Example 2 is from Disco. This email does a really good job of making men feel included here in the hero section, and the design is unreal. Inside jokes create communities. Disco did that here. They also had a nice message from the team to make men feel like all of their hard work is seen. This is a solid email.


  • Segment(s):

    - Your engaged segment

  • Subject Line Idea: 

    - Men, it's your day.

    - International Men's Day 2022

    - X% off for International Men's Day

  • Preview Text Idea:

    - Finally, right?

    - Take a day off today.

    - A sale and a foot rub. 

Campaign Idea 3 - The Holiday Sets Email:

  • Email Examples:

    - The Holiday Sets Email Example 1

    The Holiday Sets Email Example 2

  • Purpose/Context of Email:

    As I referenced above, holiday gift sets/kits are great ways to help boost your AOV. If you're gonna give people 20-30% off for Black Friday, you might as well ensure that they spend close to $100. On top of boosting AOV, it also makes gifting easier. If someone receives a group of products that they love, they'll probably order them all again 3 months later.

    Example 1 is from R+Co. This email is surprisingly simple. Header, Body, CTA. Nothing else. They get the message across in a few sentences and I'm sure this still did well. This is an example of an email that doesn't have to be complicated. Although, I would've added individual blocks of each holiday set to show it off inside the email, but leaving it as a mystery and enticing the click is great, too.

    Example 2 is from Glossier. I love the content of this email (even though it's fairly simple), because their holiday sets don't just describe products — they also set the scene for where it can be used once you deliver it. By the looks of this email, one person could easily receive ALL of these sets and it wouldn't be redundant. Each set offers something different to a different part of someone's routine, and I think that's really smart. Someone's definitely spending $1000+ on one order of Glossier this holiday season.


  • Segment(s):

    - Your engaged segment

  • Subject Line Idea: 

    - The Holiday Gift Sets

    - Gifting just got easier

    - Stumped on their gift?

  • Preview Text Idea:

    - Check out what we made for you!

    - We uncomplicated it for you.

    - We've got it right here.

That's it!

I hope you get a chance to use these campaigns in the next week, because there's a lot of room for creativity on some of these. Don't forget to experiment and test what your audience likes. It helps them, and it helps you. 

And make sure you book a demo with It'll be one of the most valuable and low-hanging fruit channels you've ever implemented.


© 2022 Chase Dimond

No longer want to receive these emails? Unsubscribe.
Chase Dimond 2960 Champion Way #1701 Tustin, CA 92782

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