Thursday, December 22, 2022

Send these emails!

I'm teeing these campaigns up for you
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Hey Friend,

Because you've been an engaged subscriber, I'm hooking you up with this week's paid newsletter.

One note before we dive in:

Last month I hosted my first DTC Dinner, and it was awesome.

And there was one topic, in particular, that was super interesting.

A brand doing 7 figures per month was telling the group about a platform they've been using and getting a 6x ROI from.

Once they mentioned it was related to email marketing, I immediately knew who they were referring to.

It's a platform that my clients and I have been using with great success.

I think the platform is so awesome that I recently joined as an advisor.


Here are the three things you need to know about them:

1. Their platform can help you drive 5x-10x more abandonment revenue. Seriously, the results have been insane.

2. Their platform can help you capture WAY more email addresses. This has been a game changer.

3. It integrates super seamlessly with the major email marketing platforms. 

Bonus: Their platform also helps you create incredible retargeting audiences for Facebook and Instagram.

Check them out here.

Now let's dive in...

For our last "send these campaigns" newsletter of the year, we got a bunch of great campaigns that you can send/schedule over the next week.

Get these done today and tomorrow so you can sleep for a week straight next week!     

Let's jump in.

Campaign Idea 1 - The Holiday Sale Email:

  • Email Examples:

    The Holiday Sale Email Example 1

    The Holiday Sale Email Example 2

  • Purpose/Context of Email:

    Some brands are doing a holiday sale this year. I'm not exactly sure what that is, but I do know this: people WILL buy if you give them an opportunity to. That's the beautiful thing about it. Some people don't need a reason to shop. A discount is good enough for them, no matter the occasion. Let's take a look at how some brands are doing this.

    Example 1 is from Princess Polly, a fast-fashion brand based in Australia.

    The copy and concept here are super non-specific because everyone secretly knows that a "holiday sale" is not really a thing. But do the consumers care? Of course not, they get 20% off almost everything on the site. Just divert and send hype and they'll love it. I also love that Princess Polly had separate blocks for each collection to make it easy to find what you're looking for on the site. Good UX here.

    Example 2 is from Real Takai, another fast-fashion brand, actually, but for men.

    Again, they just focus on gathering attention around two things: the discount, and the collections. That's all you have to do if you own a clothing brand. The crazy thing about a fashion brand is that you hardly even need marketing for it. Most people buy clothes on impulse. If there's a deal involved as well, you're gonna make great money. Do with that what you will.

  • Segment(s):

    - Your Engaged Subscriber Segment


  • Subject Line Ideas: 

    - Holiday Szn is HERE

    - HOLIDAY SALE: 20% off site-wide

    - Save 20% off with our holiday sale

  • Preview Text Ideas:

    - You know what that means...

    - Shop for the new year.

    - Tis the season.

Campaign Idea 2 - The Boxing Day Email:

  • Email Examples:

    - The Boxing Day Email Example 1

    The Boxing Day Email Example 2

  • Purpose/Context of Email:

    If you're Canadian, you already know this, but Boxing Day IS actually a real holiday. Whether most of your audience is Canadian or not, this is still an email you should send. Just like the holiday sale, you can still just put an offer in front of people in order to drive sales. Three things are certain in this life: death, taxes, and sales when a discount is involved. Plus, you can always add some funny Canadian jokes if you can make it work.

    Example 1 is from Andar. Andar is the most American brand you'll ever meet in your life, and they still did a Boxing Day email. This is an example of a beautiful-looking email that doesn't have much copy, but most likely still crushed. It's so simple that it HAS to work. That's a principle I believe in as a marketer. You can say so much by saying very little, just like Andar.

    Example 2 is from The Essence Vault. This brand is also not Canadian. They're based in the UK, but still made a killing from this Boxing Day sale. Just like this brand, you can roll the messaging into some sort of "new year, new you" type of thing if you'd like. You can also say something along the lines of: "if the Canadians know anything, it's how to smell ridiculously good 24/7. Use this Canadian holiday to 10x your compliments in 2023" or something like that.

  • Segment(s):

    - Your engaged segment

  • Subject Line Idea: 

    - Our Boxing Day sale is ready for you!

    - Save 20% off for Boxing Day!

    - You're a Canadian for 24 hours, firstname.

  • Preview Text Idea:

    - Come get your code!

    - Code inside.

    - Pretty cool, eh?

Campaign Idea 3 - The New Years Email:

  • Email Examples:

    - The New Years Email Example 1

    The New Years Email Example 2

  • Purpose/Context of Email:

    Can you believe that it'll be a whole new year in just 2 weeks? Unreal. This is where you can start to talk to your audience about how to set themselves up for success in the new year, or how they can look great for their NYE parties. Up to you, but adding to the hype of an already exciting event is a great way to have a successful email.

    Example 1 is from is Hydrant. I absolutely love this email. I love the feeling, I love the way it looks. I wish I could bottle this and drink it, no pun intended. This one is all about making sure you stay hydrated when you inevitably go nuts this NYE. One of the most important parts of an email is not great copy or design, but photo assets. If you have great photoshoots to supply your designers with the best stuff possible, your emails will receive a major upgrade. Add a couple of product recs like Hydrant did, and you're golden.

    Example 2 is from ManiMe. This is another email that doesn't speak to next year just yet. This email is all about basking in the moments before the clocks strike 12. Looking good, feeling good, being with your friends, etc. Emails are supposed to make you FEEL something. ManiMe is nailing that sentiment, AGAIN, no pun intended. I'm just on a roll for some reason. Good imagery, good product recs, all-around great email.

  • Segment(s):

    - Your engaged segment

  • Subject Line Idea: 


    - Happy NYE!!!

    - What'll the "new you" look like?

  • Preview Text Idea:

    - Can you tell we're excited?

    - We're stoked.

    - Let us help you figure it out.

I hope you got value from this.

One last thing, as you begin to think about your marketing efforts for 2023, I highly recommend leaning into freelancers and consultants.

I'm having a ton of success finding top freelance marketers and consultants on MarketerHire.


Occasionally I may include affiliate links within my emails.

© 2022 Chase Dimond

No longer want to receive these emails? Unsubscribe.
Chase Dimond 2960 Champion Way #1701 Tustin, CA 92782

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