Thursday, December 22, 2022

Warm soup and lizards?

The truth about 5 unusual "old wives' tales"
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 Zero-Hassle Returns

Feeling miserable? Or worried your immune system can't handle the cold?
Sure you could grab something over the counter… but it may not be as effective as you hope (or even dangerous if you're not careful).
That's why so many people turn to well-known old wives' tales to support their defenses.
But do any of these actually work?
Let's see what the science says and set the record straight:
Fact or Fiction: Science vs 5 Old Wive's Tales
5) Starve a cold and feed a fever…
A better approach is to stay well hydrated, eat a gut-healthy diet and avoid too much sugar.
4) Wear a coat when it's cold outside or you'll catch a chill…
My mother used to tell me this on the way to school…
But science says you won't catch something if you're outside without your coat - even if you go out with wet hair…
You'll just be freezing :)
3) Avoid dairy…
This one is a FACT.
Studies show that, even if you think you're not dairy-sensitive…
Cow's milk products create low level inflammation in the body.
And when you're trying to stay healthy, the last thing you want is more inflammation.
2) Brandy…
Even though this used to be prescribed by physicians years ago…
Many health experts warn against it because alcohol can dehydrate you…
Making congestion worse and only delaying a full recovery.
1) Grandma's chicken soup…
The warm broth helps keep you hydrated and can temporarily open nasal passages.
Typical ingredients – spices, vegetables, noodles, and chicken – provide crucial nutrients your body needs…
(Just make sure the noodles are gluten free :) …
And get this…
According to Chinese herbal medicine, adding dried lizards simmered together into your soup can have even more benefits.
But seriously… Ewwwww!
The good news is you don't have to eat lizards to stay well this Winter.
Follow The Science And Support Your "First Responders"
Dozens of clinical studies have proven that one of the best ways to embolden your immunity…
Is to call on the power of mother nature.
See, your body's been blessed with specialized "first responders."
Known as immunoglobulin G (or IgG for short), these proteins get deployed to come to your rescue.
First they identify true threats…
Then neutralizing them…
Then tag them (so your body can deal with them FAST in the future).
Here's the only drawback:
During the Winter months, your natural IgG production can struggle to keep up with demand…
Making it hard for you to mount an effective immune response.
But did you know?
You can replenish your supplies with special immunoglobulin reinforcements.
This can be incredibly powerful when you're feeling run down, or just need a little extra lift.
One thing to keep in mind: Most IgG supplements are dairy based…
Which, as mentioned earlier, is no bueno if you're trying to stay strong and resilient.
That's why, when it came time to develop Just Thrive Ultimate IgG
Not only did we make it the most potent IgG formula on the market…
We made it 100% dairy free.
Because nobody wants to be down and couch-bound... Especially this time of year!
Find Out More About Ultimate IgG Here
With gratitude,
Tina Anderson
Just Thrive | Founder
P.S. Don't trust your health to unproven old wive's tales. Get back in the game quickly with Just Thrive's clinically backed IgG support formula.
And with the "Bottom of the Bottle" anytime money back guarantee, you risk nothing by giving Ultimate IgG a test drive…Your immune system will thank you!
Free Shipping in the US | Satisfaction Guarantee
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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.

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