Monday, January 16, 2023

#1 Survival Item for 2023

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#1 Survival Item for 2023

This Pocket-Sized "Power Plant" Sold Out in Less
Than 48 Hours - Now It's Finally Back in Stock!

Patriot Power Cell

"These solar power plants are a

Oh no! We slapped our foreheads...

We had just released the Patriot Power Cell. And the response was so strong, we couldn't believe it.

The launch went WAY better than expected. We sold out completely in a matter of hours.

The second time, we doubled our inventory thinking that would be enough to meet demand.

And then... poof!


Our inventory manager was asking...

"Why were customers getting as many as 12 units at a time? Were they holiday gifts? Or just incredibly useful?"

Since then, the Patriot Power Cell has become one of our best-selling products of all time. Wow!
419,932 Americans are using this solar gadget to survive a dangerous emergency.
After making as many as we can, we think we finally have enough to meet demand... at least for now.

And that was before this solar gadget was featured on FOX News...

Patriot Power Cell

Make sure to grab the "Best Deal"
4-Pack option to get the 8 FREE
bonuses and $40 discount!

Whether it's a freak winter storm, hurricane, raging wildfire, dangerous blackout or every day emergencies...

THIS is your lifeline in a crisis.

It's peace of mind that you can...
  • Call family and friends in an emergency
  • Signal for help from first responders
  • Stay connected to critical weather updates
These days, communication is critical to survival and can make the difference between life and death in an emergency situation.

You never know what might happen.

That's why it's critical to keep your cellphone as charged as possible. Especially if you're headed out the door and don't know when you can charge again.

This breakthrough backup power device fits in your pocket and charges in the sun. So you'll never have to worry about the internal battery running out.

But please act fast...

Recent events have folks taking stock of their own preparedness plans.

That's why it's our privilege to introduce to you:

Tested by Former Navy SEAL:
A Pocket Power Plant That's
Weather-Resistant, Has An Ultra
Bright LED Flashlight And
Charges 2 Devices At Once!

Patriot Power Cell

Folks keep coming back for more...and there's never been a better time to stock up because...

With global conflict, inflated prices and expensive fuel, nobody wants to pay more than they have to.

Most customers already get a solid bulk discount when they grab the best deal. But, in times like these, that's not enough.

So for a limited time...

We're doubling your bulk discount when you claim the 4-pack of Patriot Power Cells (like most customers do). It's our way of rewarding you for taking your self-reliance into your own hands.

There's only 1 catch....

We don't know how long we can leave this exclusive price point up.

YES! You get $105
worth of Exclusive
FREE gifts!

Exclusive FREE Gift #1: You get the "Stock Up & Save" Bulk Discount ($40.80 Value).. Look, we know how important it is for you and your family to have access to critical backup power. That's why we're offering you a special Stock Up & Save Bulk Discount when you claim 4 Patriot Power Cells today. Yes... we know that these solar power banks sell themselves. But it's only fair that our best customers get the best deal.

Exclusive FREE Gift #2: A $25.00 Certificate You get a FREE $25 Certificate that you can redeem on any future 4Patriots purchase of $100.00 or more. Use it to get best-selling survival food, solar gadgets and SO much more! And after all, it's the right thing to do.

You're already paying for rising prices all over the place. You deserve a real discount (and a little help with your preparedness plan).

But we wanted to sweeten the pot even more. So when you claim your Best Deal of Patriot Power Cells, you also get...

Exclusive FREE Gift #3: FREE Lifetime Access to Power4Patriots. Power4Patriots is a simple, step-by-step system for reducing your dependence on our crumbling Power Grid. And for cutting your power bills, right along with it! You can't find this deluxe 10-piece digital program in your local bookstore or on YouTube. It's exclusive to 4Patriots customers.

But that's not all because you also get...

Exclusive FREE Gift #4: Digital Report: Disaster 101. This "no-BS" manual helps you prep yourself and your family for an emergency. You get everything you need to start preparing for the unexpected. Including evacuation tips, first-aid basics, food-storage recommendations... and more!

Exclusive FREE Gift #5: Digital Report: The Water Survival Guide. Clean water is a critical part of any survival plan. This guide shows you how to source, store and collect water in an emergency.

Exclusive FREE Gift #6: Digital Report: Intro to Solar Cooking. If you find yourself without a stove you'll be glad to have this solar cooking field guide onhand. Build your own solar cooker with cardboard and aluminum foil using these instructions. Then add sun!

But we're still not done, because you also get...

Exclusive FREE Gift #7: FREE Shipping & Handling Select the Best Deal on your Patriot Power Cells today and you'll get FREE Shipping & Handling for your entire order. Shipping all these Power Cells via premium carrier isn't exactly cheap. But we want you to know how much we appreciate your business. So we're going to take care of the shipping and handling for you. And last but not least, you'll get...

Exclusive FREE Gift #8: FREE Lifetime Technical Support And if you act now, you'll get something FREE that most companies charge an arm and a leg for. Simply to prove how much confidence you can have in this product. You'll get FREE reliable and knowledgeable technical support for the life of your Patriot Power Cells.

Call us anytime and ask anything you want about your power cells. No question is too small or too big for our amazing USA-based Customer Service team. Lisa, Corrie, Ray and many others are standing by waiting to help YOU enjoy your purchase for as long as you own it.

Get Your Patriot Power Cell
4-Pack Rushed To You Plus
All Your FREE Bonuses
While Supplies Last!

To your survival,

Frank Bates
Patriot Headquarters

More Raving Reviews
From Customers!

Melanie D.

I bought four of the Patriot Power Cells. They work so well, I bought eight more to give to my kids and friends for Christmas. I work outdoors a lot, so I take mine along to plug in my cell phone. They also have a flashlight on them, which comes in real handy. This is a good buy, you won't regret it.

Shirley C.

I'm very happy with the 4Patriots products. I've gotten the Power Cell, which is fantastic to charge my cell phone anywhere. It's rechargeable and I'm very happy with all of the 4Patriots products. And I'm very happy with Frank Bates, he's very truthful, honest and helps others in need. I really appreciate his products and his emails that I get. I'm really, really happy. I would recommend his products and him to anyone. Thank you so much.

Wing C.

I bought four of the Patriot Power Cells. I know they will come in handy. Because I know people with their cell phone, saying "oh I have no battery left." And you know what? They're getting it for Christmas. That's what I'm doing for them. We live here in New York, things are quite ample here at this time, ya know. But for emergencies like that - to have your cell phone, your contact to the outside world - it's important. Thank you very much, Frank.

Richard G.

It's a great item for me on weekends out in the country, the swimming pool, wherever else I don't have electricity available. Oftentimes people have come out to the pool, for example, and brought their power adapter to keep their cell phones or laptops or whatever charged up. They wound up losing them. With the Power Cell, it works great to recharge in the shade and I highly recommend it. Thank you very much.

Get Your Patriot Power Cell
4-Pack Rushed To You Plus
All Your FREE Bonuses
While Supplies Last!

Featured reviews are from real customers. Sometimes customers are given a free product to test, or received a free product as a thank you for submitting honest feedback. Cade Courtley is a former Navy SEAL who served 9 years of active duty and has been compensated by 4Patriots for his hard work in helping test and endorse products. The United States Military & U.S. Navy SEAL Team are not affiliated with 4Patriots. They have not endorsed, sponsored or recommended this product; no affiliation or endorsement is claimed.

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