Thursday, February 9, 2023

Send these emails!

I'm teeing these campaigns up for you
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Hey Friend,

We've got a holiday email, a sales email, and an evergreen email in this episode — *ehem* — newsletter. This is a good one.

Real quick before we dive in, I wanted to share that I'll be speaking next month at an incredible online virtual event called DTCx.

I'll only be speaking at a few events this year so this is a great opportunity to join one of my talks.

My talk will be centered around under-the-radar email marketing and copywriting tips responsible for $100M+ in email-attributable revenue. 

Register here for free to attend my talk.

Now for today's content, let's jump in:


Campaign Idea 1 - The President's Day Email:

  • Email Examples:

    The President's Day Email Example 1

    The President's Day Email Example 2 

    Building good-looking emails like the two above is super challenging. My team and I built an email template platform where we have dozens of great-looking email templates that you can choose from and easily edit. Our platform will save you both time and money.

    If you're using Klaviyo and want 5 free email templates, go here, click buy pack (you WON'T have to enter billing details), create your free account, and begin building beautiful emails.

  • Purpose/Context of Email:

    President's Day is celebrated on the third Monday in February because George Washington said so. This is kinda his country, so we must do what he says. Whether or not you want to throw some patriotic language in your emails and make it ultra-American, that's up to you. But if you're planning to do a sale, this is the time to do it.

    Example 1 is from Brooklinen, a DTC darling that we all know and love.

    Yes, of course they're known for their stunning design, but this is a great email overall. This is a structure that you should copy for all of your emails. Big announcement of the sale in the header, product recommendations tagged with testimonials. The interesting thing here is that they didn't tell you how much you're saving inside the email. They likely did that to make you click and find out. If you're curious, they did it on purpose.

    Example 2 is from Society 6, a decor brand that you've likely heard of.

    Not much to report on with this email, but I did wanna make a point about their product recommendations. They have such a wide array of products that you can serve many different markets with one email. Not many brands can do this. They also lay this email out in a way where the people who are most likely to be reading it are served first. 30-something-year-old women are probably the majority here, and the stuff that is ultra-relevant to them comes first. Everything else is listed below. That's a point that seems intuitive but not everyone does it. Good stuff here.

  • Segment(s):

    - Your Engaged Subscriber Segment


  • Subject Line Ideas: 

    - Presidents Day: 20% OFF!

    - Celebrating ol' Georgie Washington

    - Throwback to our homie George

  • Preview Text Ideas:

    - Savings inside.

    - Remember him?

    - RIP to the goat.

Campaign Idea 2 - The Buy Now Pay Later Email:

  • Email Examples:

    - The Buy Now Pay Later Email Example 1

    The Buy Now Pay Later Email Example 2

    For non-designers, building good-looking emails like the two above is super challenging. My team and I built an email template platform where we have dozens of great-looking email templates that you can choose from and easily edit. Our platform will save you both time and money.

    If you're using Klaviyo and want 5 free email templates, go here, click buy pack (you WON'T have to enter billing details), create your free account, and begin building beautiful emails.

  • Purpose/Context of Email:

    Yes, your favorite skincare brand offers financing options. So does your favorite drink brand. All DTC companies are using a tool called Afterpay or Klarna to give consumers the option to split payments into 4. Whether that's a good thing or not is none of my business, but it certainly helps conversion. When you call this feature out in your emails, do it like this.

    Example 1 is from Flo Vitamins, one of our favorites. In this email, they help conversions by really explaining how this process works. Sometimes, people are afraid of trying new things even if it'll help them. Flo outlined every single thing that the audience will need to do in order to alleviate the pressure of purchasing their products all at once. This is a great way to go at it.

    Example 2 is from Lunya, one of my favorite brands. Their emails are ALWAYS great. If you can't tell, the designs are incredibly simple. It's image selections dragged and dropped, a custom font that was added as a text block, and a simple footer. It's SO SIMPLE, but they always leave an impression on me. The copy here is great because it's clever, and it still explains how this benefits the consumer. Sometimes emails are TOO clever, and it completely misses the point. For these emails, they're funny and fun without being distracting. Honestly, just steal everything Lunya does. They're great.

  • Segment(s):

    - Your engaged segment

  • Subject Line Idea: 

    - Get it now, pay whenever.

    - Paying later? Love that.

    - Buy now, pay later with... 

  • Preview Text Idea:

    - Lighten the load on your wallet.

    - This is probably easier for you.

    - Wait...what's Afterpay?

Campaign Idea 3 - The Newsletter Email:

  • Email Examples:

    - The Newsletter Email Example 1

    The Newsletter Email Example 2

    Building good-looking emails like the two above is super challenging. My team and I built an email template platform where we have dozens of great-looking email templates that you can choose from and easily edit. Our platform will save you both time and money.

    If you're using Klaviyo and want 5 free email templates, go here, click buy pack (you WON'T have to enter billing details), create your free account, and begin building beautiful emails.

  • Purpose/Context of Email:

    Newsletter emails? In 2022? Yes, absolutely. These are still a great way to connect with your audience, give them info about what you want them to know about, and entertain them all in one. If your brand is kinda boring, it won't resonate. But if you have a cool personality and can hold people's attention, this is perfect for you.

    Example 1 is from Seen. They have a monthly newsletter that updates their audience on everything that's happened with the brand, and I like it. It's a combo of product updates, product recommendations, and opportunities to save some money. This is good, but I'd add some more content-based sections in here that showcase more about what Seen thinks. "Wait, brands have thoughts?" Yes, they do. Brands need to have a personality. Seen does have a personality, but they just need to show more of it in this newsletter. That's how you get more people to engage with the stuff that actually matters.

    Example 2 is from Disco, another fan favorite. Disco stopped doing these newsletters last year, but I wish they brought them back. These are so fun and funny, and gives the people exactly what they want. Remember, if you're going the route of content creation in your emails, you're competing with TikTok and IG Reels. You gotta be interesting. Disco did this really well with fun segments, and still being able to promote products inside. When these newsletters were running, they actually became a source of information about skincare for people that don't have the attention span to read a blog or something. That's exactly the position you wanna be in. Find your identity for your audience, and drive it home.

  • Segment(s):

    - Your engaged segment

  • Subject Line Idea: 

    - You ready for the February Newsletter?

    - This week's newsletter is here...

    - Wanna learn more about us?

  • Preview Text Idea:

    - WE ARE.

    - Let's get it.

    - Let's connect.

That's all, folks!

Good luck with all of these emails. The last two require a little more work on the backend with more planning, but that's what it takes to be the best email marketer ever. You got this.   

And don't forget to register to attend my free virtual talk next month.

I'll be sharing under-the-radar email marketing and copywriting tips.

Register here.



© 2023 Chase Dimond

No longer want to receive these emails? Unsubscribe.
Chase Dimond 2960 Champion Way #1701 Tustin, CA 92782

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