Thursday, February 9, 2023

The "Doomsday Clock" is Approaching Midnight!

Hi ,

Have you heard about the "Doomsday Clock?" If not, you should google it. It's a metaphoric clock that shows how close we are to the end of the world as we know it. It's determined by a group of fancy scientists and doctors with long titles after their name.

A couple days ago they just moved us from 100 seconds to "midnight" to 90 seconds - 10 seconds closer to devastation.

To me, this is kind of like Groundhogs Day where we turn to a rodent to predict when spring will show up - doesn't carry much merit.

But regardless of that, the REASONS they moved us 10 seconds closer to midnight cannot be ignored and SHOULD be taken as a warning. Their biggest reason - nuclear weapons and the Russian War in the Ukraine.

Russia continues to raise massive red flags with their war in the Ukraine, and regularly hint at the use of nuclear weapons, not to mention the war being brought to the doorstep of Chernobyl, which is a violation of protocol in and of itself. Could you imagine if they woke that sleeping giant? Even on accident?

Speaking of nukes, The US Defense Department believes China could rival that of the US nuclear bombs in the coming years, while North Korea, Iran, and even India continue to grow their own programs. This is creating a nuclear competition between huge countries unlike anything we've seen.

I'm not an alarmist (but yes I do obviously like to be prepared) but what once was unthinkable, seems to be a part of the daily conversation. Regardless of your personal beliefs, things just don't feel right, do they?

I would love to hear your thoughts on the matter so email them over!

If you're as uncomfortable as I am about this, head over and get stocked up on emergency food, shipping is currently free!


Stay safe,

- Paul

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