Friday, March 10, 2023

How to signal high-status as a copywriter

Alex In My Inbox #56
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Hey there, happy Friday!

Welcome to Edition 56 of Alex In My Inbox.

Alex In My Inbox is a weekly copywriting series where I share interesting, actionable, and hilarious copywriting tips from "Alex."

Alex is an anonymous copywriter who shares these tips with me so I can share them with you.

Before we dive into this week's edition, I want to share what my good friend and ecom legend, Nik Sharma, said about a company I'm advising: — The secret tool that all the biggest performance-oriented brands use to increase their overall ad efficiency.

Two weeks ago at GROW LA, one tool was on everyone's mind — The way it works, it sounds like something that you'd get by rubbing a magical DTC genie's lamp. They have a pixel that sits on your site, and as site visitors come and go,'s pixel matches those site visitors with people in a database, and loads their emails into a welcome series email flow.

I know, it sounds crazy, but it's fully legal and works. Brands like Tonal, Warby Parker, Dr. Squatch, Kitsch, and others all use it — and they integrate directly into Klaviyo and 50+ other partners. At GROW, Dr Squatch mentioned they invested $20k into the software, and through capturing and setting up an optimized welcome flow, generated an incremental $1.2M in revenue. Most of their merchants (at a high traffic volume) see the same result.

If you want to see if your store is a good fit, click here and sign up for a demo!


Today, Alex has an email for us where he fanboys over another one of his favorite twitter accounts, and teaches you how you can apply high-level sales tactics to copywriting. 

These will help you signal high status, and get more people to respect you and buy from you. 

Let's talk about it.

🤡: Dear Chase,

🐲: Chase,

I think Twitter, in general, has decreased in quality since 2021. I remember being able to spend hours on there without getting bored. It was just fun. 

However, there's one person who I follow who I can't get enough of. 

His name is @BowTiedSalesGuy.

I find most of the BowTied guys kind of annoying, but he's an exception. 

He's one of the most unique Twitter accounts I know of because of how much pure value he drops. 

His entire thing is that he's in enterprise tech sales, and he is singlehandedly reframing the way that people think about sales. 

We've all learned how to sell in a certain way. 

Appease the customer, make sure they feel heard, and don't do anything that'll make them angry and lose the sale. 

He does the opposite. 

His entire philosophy is "chad sales", which is a funny way of saying that he wants the prospect to feel beneath him. 

Not in a bad way. 

In fact, customers would rather spend money with someone that they feel is smarter than them, more confident than them, etc. 

I'll show you some of his tweets, and then I'll show you how this ties into copywriting.

Hopefully you get the point here. 

He demonstrates how a clown, low-level, beta salesperson would say something…

And then rewords it in Chad language. 

The theme is that a good salesperson is not trying to kiss up to the prospect. 

Your time is valuable, your product is valuable, and you don't need the money. 

Let's talk about how this translates into copywriting. 

I've found that the majority of copywriters tend to be very kind, soft-hearted people. 

They want to give. They want to make the customer feel good, warm, welcome, etc.

Those are some excellent qualities to have in, say, a customer service person. 

And sometimes, copywriting IS customer service. 

But other times, copywriting is sales. And it's a game of trust, respect, and credibility. 

If you're trying to sell while sounding like you're begging for a sale, it raises red flags. 

It can serve you very well to write in a cockier, more confident tone when you're selling hard. You need to KNOW how good your product is, and make sure the customer knows that you know how good your product is. 

Here's an example:

🤡: We have thousands of reviews, here are some of our favorites!

🐲: Out of 2,000 reviews, only 7 of them have 1 star. I think that says more about them than it does about us. 

The latter is way more confident and feels more "expensive" in a strange way. 

Here's a transactional email right after someone just makes a purchase from your company:

🤡: Thank you so much for purchasing from us! You are now a member of our family. We're so excited to show you what our product can do for you. Please don't hesitate to reach out to out to our team of qualified and experienced support professionals and we'll get back to you within 24 hours guaranteed!

🐲: name, thank you for your purchase. I can't wait to see you get better results with this program than any of our other 5000+ customers. This is my personal email address. Hit me whenever you have questions and I'll do my best to get back to you in between meetings. 

The first one is very needy. The second one makes the seller the prize. It feels like you're talking to a billionaire CEO instead of some brand director. 

This may be controversial, but I've seen the 🐲 version of copy work very well for people who try it, myself included. 

Release your inner 🐲 and get even richer and cooler than you already are, Chase. 

Yours truly,


Sent from my 🐲

I hope you enjoyed this week's Alex In My Inbox edition.

Last but not least, I wanted to share two companies that you might be interested in checking out:


1. Insense is an all-in-one tool for UGC ads and influencer marketing trusted by 1,400+ eCommerce brands and digital agencies.

Their platform combines a creator marketplace of 20,000+ creators, an interactive brief, an integrated chat feature, automated payments and copyrights, and more.

If you want to see how easy it is to scale your UGC video and photo production, click this link to book a free 1-2-1 strategy call with them and get $200 for your first campaign.



2. Looking to grow your eCommerce business but struggling with a lack of working capital?

Look no further than 8fig.

Our personalized Growth Plans include supply chain planning tools, cash flow management, and flexible funding to help your business grow 2.5x faster.

With continuous, cash-flow-friendly funding and the freedom to make real-time adjustments to your plan, you can stay in stock and invest in the future of your business. 8fig will fund up to 90% of your supply chain costs so you can reach your full selling potential.

Sign up for an 8fig Growth Plan today and start growing your business!



Have a great weekend,


P.S. My friend Nik Sharma who I mentioned above, builds the best ecom landing pages. He's worked with all the top companies in the space. You can learn more about HOOX here.

© 2023 Chase Dimond

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Chase Dimond 2960 Champion Way #1701 Tustin, CA 92782

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