Friday, July 7, 2023

3 Potential Side Effects of Probiotics on Your Pet ⚠️

Learn about the side effects that can occur when starting probiotics for your dog or cat and how to combat them.

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Upclose of dog nose

Fact #1: 

Probiotics Can Cause Diarrhea or Loose Stool

Probiotics have many great benefits for your pet. They boost their health by increasing the amount of good microbes in their tummy. However, if your pawed pal has a large quantity of unhealthy bacteria in their gut -- it needs to go to make space for healthier bacteria. In some cases this may lead to one or two extra bowel movements in the form of diarrhea or loose stool when starting on a gut health supplement. Usually there are signs to look for in pets who may be more sensitive to a high dosage of good bacteria. This includes pets with consistent skin or digestive issues as well as pets who changed to a new type of food.

To help combat any potential unpleasant side effects you can start your pet on a probiotic alongside their food. You can also find a probiotic which includes prebiotics and/or digestive enzymes to help provide a smoother transition. The perfect combination is to use all three: probiotics, prebiotics and digestive enzymes at the same time.

Beagle dog waits for food near the bowl

Fact #2: 

They Can Change Fluid Balance in Your Pet Temporarily

As probiotics shift the good and bad bacteria balance, this can also change the metabolism of your pet. This is due to probiotics increasing the speed at which food is digested (overall a good thing). Other times you might notice your pet is more thirsty. This is normal but keep an eye on them and if it goes on for more than a few days consult your vet.

This is usually a short transitional period and can be helped again by providing a probiotic that also contains prebiotics and digestive enzymes.

Beagle dog waits for food near the bowl

Fact #3: 

In Very Rare Cases - Probiotics could potentially cause an Allergic Reaction

Some pets can be overly sensitive to probiotics. It's important to note that this is incredibly rare and typically occurs in dogs who are immunosuppressed and/or on steroidal medication. If your pup or kitty is immunosuppressed or on medication it is recommended to consult your vet before adding probiotics to their health regimen. Seasonal allergies can often times be helped by restoring a healthy gut microbiome as can skin itching. This is normally the result of your pet being able to better digest their food and build their immune system.

Yawning brown French Bulldog dog with mouth white open and tongue and teeth showing in front of white spring flowers blooming on apple tree stock photo

Quick Tips to Ensure a Smooth Transition

  • To minimize the likelihood of side effects, start with a lower
    dosage of probiotics and gradually increase them over time. 

  • Feed probiotics with their meals to start

  • Avoid using probiotic treats or chews as they can contain other ingredients feed bad bacteria in the gut

  • Work with your vet if you are unsure about dosage or potency

  • Find a high quality product with at least 2 billion CFUs per
    serving and at least four different probiotic strains

If you notice any concerning symptoms, such as persistent diarrhea, severe gastrointestinal upset, or allergic reactions, discontinue the use of probiotics and consult your veterinarian for guidance.

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