Dear Chase,
If I wanted to, I could make this a really long email.
But I don't think I need to do that.
95% of people have this mindset that limits them in almost everything they do.
It causes you to play everything too safe, miss a lot of opportunities, and end up living a really boring life.
It causes you to be afraid of everything, and resent people who are living better than you.
It's one of the most toxic belief systems you can have.
To be honest, Chase, I've never been a fan of cliches.
I always think they're stupid and corny and not helpful.
But as I get older and more experienced, I realize that all of these things are so much more true than I initially thought.
A "scarcity mindset" is when you believe that there are limited resources, and you feel anxiety around the fact that there won't be enough to go around to you.
It causes you to feel jealous of people that have things you want, and it'll turn you into the type of person that no one really wants to be around.
Everyone goes through this.
In a business sense, we see people signing clients quickly and doing everything right…
And we feel jealous of them.
You see that person signing a client as one less client that you can sign.
If you see someone with someone that you're attracted to, you feel like they took something from you. One less opportunity for you to find love and be with someone.
The opposite of this is called an "abundance mindset".
This is where you believe that all things are basically infinite, you can fail as many times as you need to, and there will ALWAYS be enough to go around.
Scarcity mindset and abundance mindset exist on a spectrum.
On the very end of the scarcity side, we think that all of the opportunities are gone, everything is saturated, and it's not even worth trying.
On the very end of the abundance side, we think that there's nothing in this world we can't do, and we'll try like hell to take whatever we can.
I think that sometimes going too far down the abundance side of the spectrum can be unrealistic, but you need to start there.
You need to start believing that everything in our world is infinite, because as far as you understand, it may as well be.
Money is infinite.
Partners/spouses are infinite.
Friends are infinite.
Opportunities are infinite.
No matter how hard you try, you will NEVER reach the end of the road for any of these things.
There's enough room for everyone to send 100 DMs/emails a day and make 6 figures as a copywriter.
There's enough room for everyone to talk to 10 people you're attracted to per day for the rest of your life and find a partner who loves you.
There are enough people for you to stop being friends with people you don't like and find new ones that fit your vibe.
Life is infinite.
The sooner you realize that, the sooner you can live a better life.
Keep this in the back of your mind.
You will never run out of resources.
I used to believe the opposite, and I only adopted this mindset through experience.
I found firsthand that there's more than enough to go around.
Live in abundance, and you will be happier.
Yours truly,
Sent from one of my 48 iPhones (I have a lot of them. Abundance, baby.)
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