Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Hey there, It's a new year, and we can create a new peaceful world

Hi ,

Murad here, one of the founders of Wear The Peace. I'm really going to try and make this short and sweet but once I start typing I sometimes lose control and just blabber. Firstly, thank you so much for supporting us in 2023, it truly means the world all of us here that you are a part of this community that cares for others. 

In 2023 WE (the whole Wear The Peace family including yourself) all donated:

- 102,000+ articles of brand new clothing. The clothing ranged from new hoodies to new beanies to new onesies and were all sent to places around the world through the 501c3 Helping Hand for Relief and Development. The clothing was donated to many different refugee camps in the Middle East, Africa, and different parts of Asia. We also donated clothing to different homeless shelters in the US. Thank you for providing new clothes to humans whose current circumstances make new clothing a luxury.

- $140,000+ which went to send girls in war torn countries (Syria, Iraq, Libya) to school, build 8 water wells in different countries (Mali, Niger, Congo, Etc.), and send aid, food, and water to Gaza. We also provided food packages to families in Yemen and Myanmar, helped refugees in Venezuela with medical aid, and more.

Our Buy One Give One Initiative gives us the capabilities to donate all this on your behalf. Every purchase from our shop has a purpose. 

We pray that this year brings peace. We pray it brings peace to you and your family. We will continue to make products this year that give back and give you a chance to be part of a collective effort towards peace. Thank you so much for your support in 2023, we are excited for what 2024 has to offer.

Peace and blessings,

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