Monday, April 8, 2024

From Chicago To Niger, These Are The Donations From This Month! ❤️

Hi ,

My name is Murad, one of the founders of Wear The Peace. I hope you're having a great start to your week!

I wanted to email you today and update you on the last month of donations we made on the WTP families behalf.

1. A couple days ago, we packed up a truck with 7,565 articles with new articles of clothing and drove over to Give N Kind (501c3) who will be distributing all the clothing to homeless families around the Chicagoland area.

2. We were able to fund over 30,000 hot meals through Pious Projects (501c3) for children in Gaza in just this month alone.

3. We funded the construction of 5 water wells for 5 communities in Niger, Mali, and Congo. This was done through Charity Water (501c3) and through Pious Projects (501c3)

Thank YOU for allowing us to do this. We sometimes forget how blessed we are to be able to get water from our fridge or know what we're going to eat the next day. That's why our mission is to help create a world where those basic human rights are met for everyone. We are forever indebted to this beautiful community and we hope we can continue to help humans around the world for as long as we can.

Make sure to check out all of the new pieces we drop here! Every purchase gives back -

Peace and blessings,


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