Monday, June 10, 2024

I've Come With Good News And Not So Good News..

Hi ,

Mustafa here, one of the founders of Wear The Peace. I hope you're having a great Monday so far. I've come bearing 'good' news and 'not that good' news haha. 

I'll start with the 'not so good news' first. Our Instagram account has been used to spread awareness about issues around the world for years, especially so in the last 8 months. In the past two weeks, we've had five Gaza posts taken down for some of the most random community guidelines that did not even fit the description of what was posted. We've been dealing with this for a couple weeks, but as of now, our account is heavily restricted until September 8th (90 days). This means you might not see us on social media as often, and I'm here to remind you and request that you check our page from time to time for awareness posts, news, and updates about our journey. We will keep updating you all through email as well. If we do end up losing the account, we will email you all here with our new handle. 

The good news is, we've surpassed one million dollars donated this year, just six months into the new year! Most of this was allocated towards aid and food in Gaza, as well as evacuations and medical treatment for Palestinian children. The funds also built five water wells in Niger, Congo, Burkina Faso, and Mali. We've also donated thousands of new articles of clothing to different refugee camps across the world.

This is only possible because of you and the rest of the Wear The Peace family. We've dropped more than 14 new items in the past two weeks, and we hope you love them all:

Best regards,

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