Saturday, June 8, 2024

She Makes $74,000/Month as a Copywriter

Hey friend, just a friendly reminder that you can save $250 on my new Client Acquisition Course until tomorrow night (June 9th) at 11:59pm PST.

Use this link to save $250.

If you need more info on the course keep reading: 
I wanted to share the most recent update to the Client Acquisition Course!
We've just added an exclusive “mini-course” from the Bo Shaffer…
Who scaled her copywriting business to $74,000 per month in just 9 months.
And now, you can learn all her secrets to success as part of the Client Acquisition Course…
You won't be able to find her content anywhere else!
She teaches 19 video lessons that equate to around 4 hours' worth of her secrets…
I'm calling it a mini-course, but it could be a standalone course and easily worth $697 (the full price I'm charging for my program starting next week).
In her course alone, she’ll reveal her proven strategies and techniques for finding and landing high-paying clients, including:
  • The step-by-step process of getting a client, from start to finish.
  • Mastering the art of prospecting and finding info product and ecommerce clients
  • Creating irresistible cold emails that get responses and convert into paying clients
  • Sending cold DMs at scale and using the hybrid method for maximum results
  • Understanding and optimizing your cold email KPIs for better performance
…And so much more!

So, if you’re a copywriter (or freelancer) looking to level up your freelance game…

You’ll be able to learn directly from someone who’s making YEARLY salaries… In a MONTH.

And the best part? 

Her course is just one of the many valuable resources you'll get access to when you get the Client Acquisition Course…

When you sign up, you’re also getting:

  • Mastering Cold Email Outreach: Learn the psychology behind effective cold emails, create high-converting scripts, personalize at scale, write attention-grabbing subject lines, and implement proven follow-up strategies to close more deals.
  • Cold DMs That Convert: Discover the secrets to writing DMs that get responses, set up your social media profiles to attract ideal clients, and gain insights from real-life examples of successful cold DMs.
  • Lead Magnet Funnels: Choose the right lead magnet for your target audience, create irresistible offers, set up funnels to maximize conversions, automate follow-up processes, and implement advanced strategies for split testing and optimization.
  • Expert Insights and Masterclasses: Gain valuable knowledge from industry experts like Bo Shaffer, Alex Penunuri, Logan Kennedy, and Apollo Martz, who dominate cold outreach through DMs and emails.
  • Bonus Content and Resources: Access a wealth of additional materials, including guides on landing clients through social media profiles, expanding scope with clients, market research strategies, and attracting inbound clients as a copywriter.

Don't miss this opportunity to learn from the best… 

Enroll in the Client Acquisition Course today and save $250…

>> And gain instant access to everything you need to succeed as a freelancer or agency owner.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please reach out. I'm here to help.

- Chase

P.S. I'm holding firm on the cutoff time for the $250 discount. If you miss it, I WON'T be able to do anything about it.

I strongly believe the course is worth its weight in gold. So if you miss this special sale, you'll have to purchase it at full price.

This isn't the end of the world, given the lessons in the course will help you make a lot more than what you pay (pending you put in the work to make it happen).

But for those who want to save $250, make sure to purchase this course today (or tomorrow). The special pricing ends tomorrow night (June 9th) at 11:59pm PST.

This link here will automatically apply the $250 off for you.

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