Monday, July 1, 2024

Why Placing an Onion Next to Your Bed Could Improve Sleep

Placing an onion next to your bed may sound like an old trick from the Middle Ages for warding off vampires, but this unusual suggestion purportedly offers far greater benefits than that. Some people claim that leaving a sliced onion on your bedside table can improve sleep, promote good health, and even cure or prevent the common cold. So, should you give it a try?

July 01, 2024

Why Placing an Onion Next to Your Bed Could Improve Sleep
Placing an onion next to your bed may sound like an old trick from the Middle Ages for warding off vampires, but this unusual suggestion purportedly offers far greater benefits than that. Some people claim that leaving a sliced onion on your bedside table can improve sleep, promote good health, and even cure or prevent the common cold. So, should you give it a try?
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9 Rude Habits You Don't Realize You're Doing Every Day
Most of us feel we make it through each day as upstanding citizens. However, a playback reel could reveal something surprising and, to some, horrifying: We're all rude! That's right — we can be impolite sometimes, even when trying our best not to be. 
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Why Are People Storing Toilet Paper in the Fridge?
A roll of toilet paper is one of the most vital items in your household, and social media has come up with various uses for this item that extend far beyond the bathroom, including one that involves putting a roll in the refrigerator. Despite what you may think, this isn't a viral prank — placing toilet paper in the fridge actually has a practical benefit.
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Why You Shouldn't Use Laundry Pods
Laundry is a time-consuming chore, and it's only natural to seek ways to make the process easier. Instead of carefully measuring out detergent, many people choose to simply toss a laundry pod into their washing machine, speeding up the process. But what laundry pods offer in convenience, they lack in affordability and sustainability.
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Stick Your Head in the Freezer for Better Sleep — No, Seriously
Everyone wants a good night's sleep, but it's often easier said than done. Stress and anxiety can keep us up later than we'd like, leaving us tossing, turning, and looking for relief. However, before you turn to supplements and sleep aids, consider changing your routine. Healthier habits and non-traditional treatments (including — yes — sticking your head in the freezer) will pay off at bedtime.
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