Sunday, September 1, 2024

Today We Donated An Additional $60,000 For The Humans Of Gaza.

Hi ,

I hope you're having a great Sunday so far. As we enter the month of September, it hurts to know that we are entering the 12th month of the genocide in Gaza. 8 decades of land theft, of torture, of death, of displacement, and of dehumanization. 332 days of us opening up our phone screens to watch decapitated babies held up to cameras by traumatized family members to try and wake up world leaders that have never cared. 

I wanted to email you to let you know that today, we donated $60,407 for the humans of Gaza. The money was donated to Pious Projects of America: Pious Project's on-ground team is providing food, water, and medical equipment in Gaza. We have now donated $1,076,966 to Gaza in the last 10 months. 

Usually my emails are a bit longer but I'm not sure what else to say. I'm honestly at a loss of words of what we're witnessing around the world. All I know is that change will come. We need to all continue to give the oppressed our voice, as they've been completely stripped of theirs. 

I hope you have a wonderful rest of your week and thank you for being a part of the family, none of what we do for humans around the world would be possible without you.

Peace and blessings,





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