This is going to come back to bite her.
This is going to come back to bite her.
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Tish James has been waging war against President Trump since Day One: | ❌Hitting the President with a DAILY FINE of $112,000 ❌Securing a temporary restraining order against DOGE ❌Defending anti-American terrorist sympathizers ❌Suing the Trump Administration | But Tish doesn't realize she's made a FATAL MISTAKE that will come back to bite her. | Her obsession with attacking the President every time he takes a breath only appeals to her left-wing special interest mega-donors like George Soros. | But hardworking citizens – teachers, workers, truck drivers, grocers, farmers, police officers, firefighters, small business owners – don't care about ANY of that. | We want safe neighborhoods, true justice, and bold leadership – not taxpayer-funded political lawfare against the White House. | And Tish James is about to learn that the hard way… | I'm running to FIRE Tish James and END her lawless regime. And the state of New York unlocks 600% MATCHING FUNDS once $100,000 has been raised from 1,000 donors giving between $5 and $250 in the state. | Who's giving $5, $25, $250? Certainly not the left-wing special interest donors bankrolling Tish! | Instead, it's YOU – the hardworking citizens who are FED UP with Tish's obsession with suing the President. | So, while Tish James continues to appeal to 1% of the population by suing the President, our campaign will be powered by a 600% MATCH thanks to the Silent Majority of grassroots donors like YOU. | But the 600% matching funds can ONLY be unlocked if we hit our goal. | Michael Henry Republican for New York Attorney General | PAID FOR AND AUTHORIZED BY FRIENDS OF MICHAEL HENRY | |
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