Thursday, March 30, 2023

🐶 3 Fun Facts You Didn't Know About Your Pup

Open to discover three fun facts you didn't know about your pup!

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Fact #1:

Dogs have 18 muscles controlling their ears

If you have a dog, you might notice that their ears move around a lot. They actually have around 18 muscles responsible for moving their ears. These help them to change the direction of their ears slightly to hear noises around them better, and play a really big part in telling us how our dogs are feeling. A lot of a dog's body language is expressed through what their ears are doing so a dog's ears are vital in helping them communicate both with other dogs and us.

Fact #2:

Dogs can sniff at the same time as breathing

Dogs rely a lot on their sense of smell to find food, potential dangers, and friends, so needless to say they sniff a lot. Their noses are designed so smells can stay in their nose while air can move in and out of their lungs at the same time, which means they can breathe freely and still work out what that smell is!

Fact #3:

Dogs don't sweat like we do!

While dogs do sweat, don't expect them to be getting damp armpits any time soon. Where humans sweat watery liquid to cool down, dogs produce a pheromone laden oily substance that us humans can't detect (dogs know it's there because of that great sense of smell). The only place that dogs sweat like us is on their paws, so instead, they pant to cool down. This is why it's so important to keep your dog cool on those warmer days to make it easier on them.

Want to Learn Other Cool Fun Facts About Your Pup?

We invite you to visit our blog! We are working hard to provide as much educational content as possible for you and your pup! More content will be coming soon but there are a couple great articles that have been published!

Visit Blog!

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