Thursday, March 30, 2023

“Worse Than The SVB Collapse” – Dr. Ron Paul

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Ron Paul Webinar, Collapse, Report

Forget The Banking Collapse, This Is Worse!

The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank (America's 16th largest lender) was one of the most severe bank failures in American history!

But as bad as it was, there is something far worse.

Something with much more fallout and damage! I'm talking about the collapse of the U.S. Dollar!

We are in the death throes of this happening right before our eyes. It started when Nixon took America off the gold standard in the 1970s. And continues today with the debt ceiling being raised every year. Which allows the government to print infinite amounts of money.

When this finally comes to a head, Americans will face a rapidly deteriorating financial situation:

  • The average American lifestyle will cost more and more every month. And this will push many people below the poverty line.

  • Retirement account values will suddenly crash as companies lose massive amounts of income and business (because their customers are cutting back on expenses).


Is there something you can do to protect yourself? YES! And…

Dr. Ron Paul Will Discuss This Solution On His New Live FREE Webinar...

Debt Ceiling Dynamics with Ron Paul: The Secret Tax We All Pay and how you can finally opt out

LIVE on April 6, 2023 at 10am PT (1pm ET)


Act now and get FREE gift: Info Kit from Birch Gold Group

Click Here To Register Your Spot


During this completely free digital event, Dr. Ron Paul will discuss:


  • Why the declining purchasing power of your money is not going to stop. (Not even if Republicans regain power.) But there is one thing you can do to help yourself.

  • The best legal method of "civil disobedience" to protect your financial freedom from the government's "legalized" theft!

  • What he recommends to protect your retirement savings from record inflation and stock market instability.

This webinar is exclusive to Birch Gold Group and open to anyone who wishes to attend. But there are limited spots available. So please register right now by clicking the button below and putting in your info:

Click Here To Register Your Spot


In addition to the webinar, we are also sending you a free info kit on gold IRAs from Birch Gold Group. Inside this 20-page guide, you will see why gold IRAs are the best solution to diversification in 2023. And why Dr. Ron Paul himself supports these tax-advantaged accounts. This is our gift to you and comes with no obligations or strings attached!

All you need to do is sign up for Dr. Paul's "The Secret Tax We All Pay" webinar to get your copy.



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