Friday, September 9, 2022

Alex Reveal

Alex In My Inbox #030
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Hey friend, happy Friday!

Welcome to Edition 30 of Alex In My Inbox.

A weekly copywriting series where I share interesting, actionable, and hilarious copywriting tips from "Alex."

Alex is an anonymous copywriter who shares these tips with me so that way I can share them with you.

This edition is brought to you by 021 Zero to One.

So, I found out who Alex is this week. 

I wasn't surprised. You might not be either.

Here's what he sent me:

Dear Chase,

It's about time that I reveal myself to you. 

I have a ton of fun writing these emails. I'm an anonymous guy from an anonymous place, with anonymous clients, etc. I'm so mysterious. 

I was gonna keep this going until you hit #100, but I felt the need to reveal this week, because you're dropping the course. 

That is, we're dropping the course. 

It's Mase. 

Late last year, when I created the identity of Alex, I wanted a cool new challenge in the form of providing value to you that you and your audience could actually use. 

Now, I feel like Alex has given you more value than Mason has, so I wanted to pop out and say what's up. 

Don't worry. Next week, I'll go back to being Alex and we'll keep this going until people get bored of us. 

Just wanted to use this week's email as an opportunity to say that everyone who finds these emails valuable should go to and get access to the source of it all. 

God bless. 

Sent from Cardinal Mason's iPhone 13 Pro

For real, go do yourself a favor and get access to this course. Super in-depth, many hours of content, and ammunition in order to make yourself an amazing writer!



Are you surprised?

Let me know – not in the replies, but on Twitter – Who did you think Alex was this whole time? I'm curious who you thought it was going to be, haha.

Tag me @ecomchasedimond and let me know!

Like we said, next week, Alex will be back in my inbox, and in yours as well. 

Thanks for the support!

Q4 is all about speed. 

The brand owners who test lots of copy, ads and ideas - without sacrificing quality - end up on top. 

So if you're a brand owner who doesn't have an internal copy team and you don't want to gamble your Q4 profits on a lone-wolf freelancer then you're in luck.

021 is a boutique copy agency trusted by large DTC brands, affiliates and anyone else who  wants to stack the deck in their favor.

They handle Facebook ads, landing pages, email copy and advertorials for ecom brands that want to dominate. And the best part is, you get three control-busting copywriters on your project for the price of one freelancer.

Currently they're giving away some of their best copy resources for FREE.

Click here to get a FREE Advertorial and Ads templates from the 021 team.

Have a great weekend,


P.S. Don't sleep on this free resource from 021.

© 2022 Chase Dimond

No longer want to receive these emails? Unsubscribe.
Chase Dimond 2960 Champion Way #1701 Tustin, CA 92782

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