Friday, September 9, 2022

Use these 96 high-converting emails all year

I don't know of any successful ecom brand that writes all their emails on-the-fly. 


They plan ahead. 


Minimum 30 days. Often 60. 


That's because a campaign calendar will hand you predictable cash flow every month


Inventory. Shipping costs. Employees. 


These expenses can stick you in a serious cash crunch. 


But a calendar will help you build a war chest that covers all your bills. 


That's why I've gathered 96 of my favorite email campaign ideas. 


So I've done all the heavy lifting for you. 


Plus you'll know exactly what to send — and why.


Anyway, you can click here to get these email campaigns right now for $100 off.


Give them to your in-house team. Use them in your agency. Offer them to your freelance clients. 


Up to you. 


But I'm going to keep this offer limited to the next 20 people*


As much as I'd like everyone to have them, I don't want the whole world getting access either. 


=> Here's that link again


After 20 sales, these campaigns will go back up to full price. 


*Keep in mind, this email is going out to 9,591 subscribers... so I expect this offer to sell out fast.


Your friend, 




P.S. If you skipped to the bottom… 


I used to waste so much time trying to come up with email ideas. 


Now my team just refers to this collection.


The result? 


They're pumping out high-converting emails in minutes… revenue is up… and clients are happy. 


So it's a Win/Win for everyone. 

© 2021 Chase Dimond

No longer want to receive these emails? Unsubscribe.
Chase Dimond 2960 Champion Way #1701 Tustin, CA 92782

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